Autumn is a clear sign that I will experience cold rides in the morning. Hitting the road at 7 when it's still a dark morning is something i really enjoy.
Of course, you need some equipment and preparation(you should experience your own ride to discover your own secrets).
Some people at work ask me if I'm in my right mind when riding in the cold morning air and they are astounded when I tell them i ride 7 km every morning and above all, that is fun! . You'll wonder what the secret is behind this lifestyle: Read below for more.
1- Set out earlier than when travelling by public transport. This will help you keep a steady, controlled ride with no worries about time.Remember you are a bike commuter, you are not a F1 driver. Take your time.
2- Use the most suitable equipment: In autumn or winter wear (reversible if possible) jackets, thermal gloves, an extra pair of trousers if you are to cope with low temperatures. Bear in mind to wear a helmet and make yourself visible when driving very early in the morning.
3- Be smart to know when to change your garment: perhaps it is freezingly cold when you left home and after pedalling for a fifteen minutes you feel your body is warm enough. So, maybe you're riding with a shirt, sweater and a jacket and you want to take off your jacket. In my case, what I do is to wear a reversible jacket and take off my sweater. You see your ride is cooler and more pleasant. WARNING: DON'T TAKE OFF YOUR JACKET AND SWEATER ALL AT ONCE AS IF YOU RIDE IN A SHIRT ONLY IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREEZING MORNING YOU WILL SPEND THE NEXT TWO WEEKS SUFFERING FROM PNEUMONIA.