As browsing for some info on bikes in Buenos Aires (the info avaiable on google is scarce and out of date) i found a survey carried out by a national argentinian newspaper asking the following question: Would you commute by bike? To the delight of bike fans, the survey showed that 46% of the people gave it the thumbs up. People want to commute by bike in Buenos Aires, it's a fact.
But beyond people's preference, I guess we should go deeper no only in the figures and statistics but into the comments posted by the readers. While reading you find complains about the traffic, careless bus drivers and so on. Many people claimed they would ride their bikes to work but they don't feel safe with in such a madding city as Buenos Aires.
Whereas some complained about safety facts, many others took up biking as their prefered means of transportation when it comes to commuting. Reasons: less time waiting for a bus, no parking fares, healthy and faster, especially at downtown.